Privacy Policy

The main business of Centaline Wealth Management Limited. Ltd. is to provide customers with family office services and financial investment products and services. In the course of business, Centaline Wealth Management Limited may collect personal data. In handling personal data, it is our policy to comply at all times with the requirements and spirit of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in relation to the collection, retention and use of such personal data. In particular, we comply with the following principles, unless otherwise objected to:

Personal data must be collected from the data subject on the basis of the purposes necessary for our business, including the provision of services and/or products by us;

all practicable steps must be taken to ensure that personal data is accurate or unnecessarily retained for an extended period of time;

Personal data shall not be used for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was collected or for which it was directly related;

protect against unauthorised or accidental access, processing or erasure, loss or use of personal data;

The data subject has the right of access to and correction of the personal data held by us and the data subject must be made in accordance with the Ordinance.

We will only disclose personal data in the manner set out in the PICS, or with the express consent of the person concerned, or as permitted or required by the Ordinance, or as required by applicable laws and/or regulators.

Centaline Wealth Management Limited, its affiliates and all their employees shall not transfer the personal data of the individuals concerned to other persons for financial gain in any way.

Privacy Policy

We take the privacy of our customers very seriously and are committed to protecting their personal information. We believe it is important for our customers to be aware of the circumstances in which we collect and process their personal data through this website. Therefore, we will use personal data in accordance with the instructions of our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about the information we hold about you or our use of it, please feel free to contact us.

Scope of Personal Data Collection

In general, access to this website does not require the disclosure of any personal data. If an article is specified on this website, our web server collects personal data from the customer who requested the subscription.

Use of your personal data

We will use the personal data/data you provide to us on the website for the purpose of processing your subscription application.

Other information

Please note that we may update our Privacy Policy or important legal information from time to time, so please check back regularly.

You have the right to access and correct your personal data and privacy preferences at any time, or to request that we remove your information from our mailing list by contacting us using the relevant contact information as indicated on our website.

This website may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy of other websites.